Well bloody hell.

I’ve finished Plateau today! My first ever novel/book/anything! It’s just over 61,000ish words and is now in pre-edit, a.k.a. I’m leaving it alone for a month so I don’t start fussing over it. There’s a bigger explanation of what the bloody hell on the Feedback page detailed below. The book was written ‘live’ daily, I tried to do at least one chapter a day, hence its need for polish and shine.

There’s a new page in the Plateau section for feedback; if you’ve kindly donated time to reading it, I would love to hear what you think! I’ve completed the WIP full text version to the pre-edit finished article if you want to jump ahead; otherwise I’ll bung up the final chapters this week in bits each day, so as not to spam.

[NB. The Everlasting Night is horror, you’ve been warned!]


Full Novel (Pre-edit)

By Chapter (TBC)

Feedback Page


The book itself covers a lot of issues but one was the plight of child soldiers in conflict areas. I wanted to give a portrayal and bring awareness to a side to war that is often  overlooked. If you have the time, please visit www.Warchild.org.uk. Thanks.

Also, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who’s been reading along; I’m really sorry about Pero. Nobody in the book is written to resemble anyone in real life, but more an idea and concept of what they are and can be. I’ll also be starting the next book off in this series very, very soon.

The book and everything I try and do is dedicated to my wife. She who has read every bloody chapter I’ve thrown at her daily. She’s my Star in the Sky.

Thanks for reading!

pitchforkin’ 2016


Editor’s note: Congratulations my darling, nine weeks from start to finish? Not bad! Also, considering you know how I am when it comes to books, I’ll secretly let you know you had me hooked. Now that you’ve actually finished the thing, I’d better start taking this editing lark seriously!

Well done husband ‘o mine, I’ve always had and always will have faith in you. Can’t wait ’til you take me on with my re-writing the Bible idea!


Cover: The Burney Relief – Queen of the Night (British Museum)